Taylor Street, Childers Historical Complex
Inspired By Passion
"Preserving the Past for the Future”
We Welcome Organised Tours For School Groups And Or Tour Groups.
For Enquiries Please Contact Us Prior.
Our Organisation has No requirements relating to Covid.

Childers Historical Complex
Open Days/Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9am – 12pm until further notice
Other times by appointment.

Taylor Street Rotunda
Our Rotunda can also be hired for special events. Weddings, Birthday parties, etc.

The Old Pharmacy
Open Mon to Fri 9 am to 3.00 pm and
Sat 9 am to 1.00 pm
Taylor street - historical complex
Our historical display complex is a ‘step back in time’ featuring early cottages, a post office, former school building, two steam locomotives, museum, history displays & rotunda. Our historical displays offer a true educationally rewarding experience, see what Visitors are saying: “Highly recommended for children by Wide Bay Kids”.
Entry Costs: Adults – $5.00 ea Children – $1.00 ea. Children FREE if accompanied by a paying adult. Eftpos is not available.
The buildings are not wheelchair friendly, though the Rotunda is accessible.
We welcome organised tours for School Groups &/or other Tour Groups for enquiries please contact us prior.
- (+04) 9004 2694
2 Taylor Street
Childers, QLD 4660
Taylor Street Rotunda - Hire & use
The Rotunda is set in the picturesque surrounds of the historical complex which is an ideal venue for that special occasion.
This significant structure was built in 2002 using ironwork from the Palace Hotel, the front posts from the old Childers Hospital & the finial from the Grand Hotel Childers. Erected in the centre is the historical 1887 Childers State School bell.
Tables and chairs are available & power can be accessed in the rotunda. Toilets also onsite.
Bookings are essential.
Please contact us to discuss your needs & the donation fee requested.
- (+04) 9004 2694
2 Taylor Street
Childers, QLD 4660
the old pharmacy - childers
Discover the medicine marvels, mineral ingredients, rare specimens and mysterious potions of the 1890’s
The collection is one of Australia’s largest collections of early pharmaceutical history, including dental, pharmacy and photographic equipment, specimen jars and medicine bottles, medicine books and unique interpretation of the early development of Australian pharmaceutical practice.
Guided tour of the OP dispensary is:
Adults $5 Pens/Sen. $4.50 Children $3 Family (2Ad 2Ch.) $12
- (+04) 9081 8295
90 Churchill Street
Childers, QLD 4660
P.O.Box 426 Childers Qld 4660
Please send mail addressed to:........The Secretary for all enquiries:
Family History Research
Our Historical Society loves family history research. Our volunteers provide a fee based research service using our extensive library of resources.
Our fee is an initial $20 for basic research from the data held in our resources library. Should extended research be required, fees are by negotiation thereafter.
Contact us for further assistance &/or start your research enquiry.

A few words ABOUT US
isis district historical society
The first inaugural meeting to form the Isis District Historical Society was held in 1975.
It was in 1983 that the Isis Central Mill Sugar Company donated the Taylor Street land and the historical complex idea started. The ensuing years of support from the ICM Company, the Isis Shire Council and successful grant applications and fundraising support by local residents, the Childers Historical Complex evolved. In October 1988, this interesting complex of historical buildings was officially opened.
Isis District Historical Society Inc is a volunteer organisation devoted to promoting and preserving the “Past for the Future”. Meetings are held at the Childers Historical Complex on the second Monday of each month from February to December at 9.00 am.
New members are most welcome to attend.
There is an excellent Aboriginal Artefacts display in the School Room which was collected & donated by IDHS past president Mr John Bunn. We also have a ‘Sugar Room’ which is a developing project of the history of the sugar cane industry in the ISIS Shire.

We welcome enquiries for ‘tour groups’ and ‘school groups’ to arrange specialised visits to the Taylor Street, Childers display & Museum.Please note; bookings are essential. For more information Contact Us.
Please Note:
- The buildings are not wheelchair friendly, though the Rotunda is accessible.
- Eftpos is not available
- Entry Costs: Adults – $5.00 ea Children – $1.00 ea
- Children FREE if accompanied by a paying adult.
Childers's Heritage Day is set for the 10th May 2025
We welcome you to Childers to enjoy a day of history and architecture via guided tours, open houses, displays and demonstrations
and story telling as part of the Australian Heritage Festival.
Like to Get Involved – Hold an event/activity as part of the day?
For more information contact:
Scott 0490 818 295
Desley 0419 817 973